Pick a Leaf

“The journey of a thousand miles…” The journey of New Beginnings is no different. Pick a Leaf is an easy and affordable way to support the ministry. Its easy; rather than buy an entire tree, you support us by donating, well, a leaf. We have established an Amazon Wishlist and a GoFundMe page. The wishlist has recurring supplies needed at New Beginnings and available on Amazon (think pencils, paper, markers, etc). Support is easy, identify an item that you are interested in purchasing on the wishlist, select it and checkout. Items are intentionally selected to be inexpensive, but necessary and recurring. The GoFundMe option allows you to support us through small donations to pay for part of a larger item. Consider, for example, helping to buy 1/1000th of a new air conditioner or new van.
Thanks in advance for your prayers and your support.